Credo Vision
To preserve and enrich the īmān (faith) of Muslims
Prompting the thought of Allāh and His Rasūl صلى الله عليه وسلم without relying on reason
Action & practical embodiment
Utilising different methods, including (but not restricted to) reason, to understand what faith is
CREDO is primarily dedicated to preserving and enriching the faith of all Muslims worldwide. It intends to do this by producing thought-provoking content which instils unwavering conviction in the Islamic faith. Upholding a deeply rooted conviction of this kind will fortify one’s faith from the constant tide of doubts put forth by the ever changing social and intellectual factors. While CREDO’s content aims to particularly focus on the spiritual aspect of the human being, it will not dismiss the intellectual one entirely. Even though the very transcendent nature of faith itself alludes towards the paradox of attempting to intellectually understand it, reasoning can be beneficial in aiding to preserve and enrich faith, and thus, will be used where appropriate to achieve the fundamental goal.
CREDO’s content will explore the ways in which faith is firmly upheld, without relying on reasoning. A serious effort will be made to inspire and provoke the thought of Allāh and His Messenger صلى الله عليه وسلم. The result of such reflections naturally leads one to practically embody their faith, in a contented manner. In doing so, the believer is able to reach the inner dimensions of faith whereby, exercising faith is not merely theoretical, but lived.
All content shall be founded upon:
1. Prompting the thought of Allāh and His Messenger صلى الله عليه وسلم → leads to practical embodiment of faith
2. How to manage the above without relying on reason → exhorts towards having unwavering faith
Potential topics CREDO aims to explore
The diagram below demonstrates how the integrals of faith are dual-faceted: a practical embodiment/action accompanied by a belief based on an unwavering certainty without fundamentally relying on reason.
Examples of instances found in the Sīrat al-Nabī
Examples within Spirituality
Engaging in polemics > deconstructing norms – challenging norms
Reflecting upon the Qurʾān Karīm/Aḥādīth
Examples within ʿllm al-akhlāq
The perfection of faith is achieved through virtuous character (akhlāq). The blessed Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم said, “The most perfect in their faith are those with the best moral character” (Jāmiʿ al-Tirmidhī 1162[1]). The values that make up virtuous character must be inculcated to be able to render them into practice. The Qurʾān is replete with verses on how our relationship and standing with Allāh is manifested through our character with others.
In fact, our character has direct bearing on our salvation in the hereafter. The blessed Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم said to his companions “May I not inform you about the inmates of Hell? They are all proud, mean and haughty.” (Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim 2853). On the other hand, it is narrated that the Messenger of Allāh صلى الله عليه وسلم was asked regarding that for which people are admitted into Paradise the most, so he said: “God consciousness and good character.” And he was asked regarding that for which people are admitted into the Fire the most, and he said: “The mouth and the private parts.” (Jāmiʿ al-Tirmidhī 2004[2])
Finally, consider the speech of Jaʿfar Ibn Abī Ṭālib رضي الله عنه before Negus when he invited him to Islām. He did not present Islām through rational argumentation, rather he presented Islām by appealing to its values. He said, “[The messenger of Allāh] enjoined upon us truthfulness, fulfilling our trusts, building family ties, treating our neighbours with excellence, and refraining from any form of sin or bloodshed. He forbade us from sexual immorality, false testimony, exploiting the wealth of orphans, slandering chaste women, and he instructed us to worship God alone without associating any partners with Him. And he enjoined upon us prayer, fasting and charity to the poor.” (Musnad Aḥmad 1740[3])
[2] Grading: Ṣaḥīḥ
[3] Grading: Ḥasan
The purpose of this piece is to clearly delineate the approach CREDO intends to adopt when creating content. Sparking a sense of awe and reverence for Allāh and His Noble Messenger صلى الله عليه وسلم through conscious reflection is hoped to inspire practical, positive change in the lives of believers. May the blessed nation of the Messenger Muḥammad صلى الله عليه وسلم be among those who believe in Allāh with absolute certainty and fear Him in the unseen – Ameen. For such believers, Allāh promises a mighty reward.