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Rise Through Durūd

Rise Through Durūd

The Prophet Muḥammad صلى الله عليه وسلم was sent as a supreme role model for mankind through the teachings of the Qur'ān and sunnah. As believers, we strive to embody the traits and characteristics he taught us in order to become the best version of ourselves. He is our shining light through the darkness and thus sending salutations upon him is not only an integral part of our lives but should also be an integral part of our lifestyle.

Rise Through Durūd is a platform initiated to do just that. Each week, sisters are welcomed to pledge a number of durūd recitals they have committed to for that week and the total is then collected and forwarded to a grand total of a larger umbrella group (under the guidance of Maulānā Abdul Raḥeem Ṣāḥib and Maulānā Bilāl Ṣāḥib). Pledges can be made privately or through the WhatsApp group. Alongside this, sisters gather on the last Thursday of every month for an online majlis which is composed of spiritual lectures (bayān), durūd recital and du'ā. This structured approach increases productivity and quantity and enriches the lives of the participating sisters with a constant goal in mind - to increase salutations upon the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم and stay connected to his teachings.


In order to join our Rise Through Durūd WhatsApp group, you may register your interest here: https://forms.gle/DjoykFBjUB3PiR1g7

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Rise Through Recitation
to Apr 9

Rise Through Recitation

RTR (Rise Through Recitation) rose as an initiative in 2020 to help create a platform for females to recite the Qur’ān, especially for the month of Ramaḍān. Qur'ān recitation peaks during this blessed month, but we noticed a need in the community - local and online - for a more disciplined and structured approach to maximising the benefits of this holy month. By setting up an online platform (via Zoom), sisters are given a fixed time slot during which they log in and recite (either aloud or silently). The flexibility of Zoom also gives the option of muting oneself or keeping the microphone on.

Essentially the platform creates a small hub of individuals who have gathered to recite Qur'ān at the same time together, but in an intimate environment that gives them privacy. The benefit of this is that the sister is encouraged to set aside this particular time, despite busy Ramaḍān schedules, for reciting. Introductory encouragement and concluding reflections are also added by the session coordinator so that the sisters have something to think about after the session expires. Additionally, special tajwīd guidance and tutelage have been added to the structure on a weekly basis so that help is accessible to those who wish to improve their tajwīd while reciting.

To register your interest for the upcoming Ramaḍān sessions (1445AH corresp. 2024), please do so here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScwXVmJ3nE_nvNwlFf8xtaXLeoytJFXx__96VvfrUhLXj_BmA/viewform

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